Are you looking for solutions to the everyday problems of career, relationship, and abundance?
Are you looking for a deeper spiritual connection?
Or just maybe, you are looking for BOTH. You want it all. You don’t want to settle for “either / or.”
You’d like to find a way to deeply connect with your divine essence, live in balance and harmony, and create a life of intimacy, abundance, and purpose without sacrificing your truth and integrity. AND, you want to be supported in your search.
Something deep inside you tells you all this is possible. Somehow you know there is more to life than what you’ve been living. And you’re ready to discover just what the obstacles are that have been preventing you from living from your Real Self.
If this resonates with you, you are ready to learn to view your life from the unique perspective of your Soul’s Journey. You’re ready to peer below the surface and discover the spiritual journey that your life has always been, and where it is leading you in this moment.
Dear Friends,
I’m passionate about uniting the sacred and the profane, and I love the power of metaphor to instruct us in ways that concepts, goals, and strategies sometimes fail.
So I’ve created this 7 week course where we will draw upon the spiritual wisdom of the beloved story “The Wizard of Oz” to illuminate our path, and learn techniques and practices to identify and transform the obstacles that get in the way of reaching our destination. I would be honored to have you join me as we follow the Yellow Brick Road home to the Real Self, and along the way begin to discover our divine gifts, our greatest strengths, and the beautiful light that we have to offer the world.
Myths, fairy tales, and classic stories have long held symbolic, archetypal messages encouraging us to take that next step on our Soul’s Journey. The Soul’s Journey, at it’s deepest level, is a path to union with the Great Mystery, which many call God. This journey must begin at the most fundamental level, the place where we are not in union within ourself.
And so we begin with the willingness to meet and reclaim all the parts of us, the bright lights and the dark shadows, so that we can return to who we have always been, and most truly are, our Real Self. It is not only an exciting, fulfilling, and practical-to-everyday-life adventure, but a challenging and profoundly meaningful spiritual journey as well.
Along the way you will:
~ Uncover the mystical meaning of the Wizard of Oz as seen through the lens of the Pathwork teachings
~ Practice the ability to objectively and compassionately observe your everyday experiences, and see how they reveal clues to where your Soul’s Journey is leading you
~ Explore three basic personality types and learn which one reflects YOU.
~ Identify the defenses and distortions that are no longer serving your best interests
~ Learn how the pain and fears of childhood are affecting your life today
~ Increase awareness of unmet needs that may require attention
~ Strengthen your connection to your Higher Self and your divine gifts
I have the soul of a pilgrim — I’m passionate about the transformation that unfolds when one steps consciously into the unknown in search of personal and spiritual growth. So I am especially excited to be a guide on your journey, which will unfold over the course of 7 weeks.
Expect the unexpected, but here’s what you can count on:
The course will be delivered weekly via email in seven modules, packed with weekly teachings, guided mediations, video, journaling practices and questions for inquiry and reflection.
The emails are yours to keep and refer back to as often as you like.
You will also have access to the private, confidential Facebook group “Discover. Share. Inspire.” where you can share your questions, insights, and challenges with others in the Sacred Discoveries Pathwork Community. Together we will create a circle of support to help you navigate your personal path.
Register today and begin your journey.
This course offers powerful insight into the unconscious aspects that may be blocking fulfillment or wreaking havoc in your life, and your commitment to yourself is an important component of what you can expect to receive from this seven week adventure. You should bring your journal and be willing to invest 2-3 hours a week in yourself, including 5-10 minutes each day in reflection. I recommend carving out a time and space where you will be uninterrupted by phone, email, tv, computers, or other people.
Register below and you will be directed to Paypal to pay and then register and receive your first module today!
I hope you’ll join us on this self-study Adventure in The Pathwork!