by Beth Hedquist | Apr 11, 2017 | Aliveness, Manifesting Abundance, Surrender
Sometimes, Life is a little like a fishing trip. We find ourselves hungry for something we are missing that will fill us, we get a craving for that one meal that will finally silence the longing in our belly and leave us satisfied, content, and fulfilled. And...
by Beth Hedquist | Mar 29, 2017 | Gratitude, Grief, Manifesting Abundance
I recently went to see a woman speak on the Science of Happiness. She was an engaging, informative, entertaining speaker and I really enjoyed myself. I even patted myself on the back because I do so many of the things she recommended to be happy: Eat right Get...
by Beth Hedquist | Nov 21, 2016 | Facing Your Fears, Grief, My Journey, Surrender, Trust Your Heart
The past couple of weeks have been a roller coaster of emotions. As I shared in my last blog, I began by fully feeling my grief…. grief for all those in fear and pain over the election results, for those who would potentially be hurt through new laws that...
by Beth Hedquist | Oct 26, 2016 | Facing Your Fears
Halloween dates back some 2,000 years to the Celts who celebrated the New Year on Nov. 1st. So Halloween began as a New Years Eve, so to speak! With summer having come to a close and the harvest for the year collected, they prepared to enter the time of year...
by Beth Hedquist | Aug 30, 2016 | Sevenoaks Retreats
Note: This post is dedicated to my fellow Pathworkers around the world, and especially to those new to this sacred journey. Recently the Mid-Atlantic Pathwork Community gathered at Sevenoaks Retreat Center for the bi-annual Pathwork Community Weekend. We welcomed old...