(804) 928-3189 BethHedquist@gmail.com

Unlock the keys to creating a life of deep purpose, meaning and integrity.

Feel grounded, alive, and fully present in your body.

Discover what makes your heart sing, and how to live your passion.

Identify and heal destructive patterns and misconceptions that are sabotaging your happiness.

Share your journey and feel supported by a community of kindred spirits committed to a path of personal and spiritual transformation.

Are you ready for a life of adventure as you embark on an inward journey of self discovery?

“You are a great deal more than you can possibly believe now. If you walk in the direction of finding your real self ...you must discover the unending beauty of the universe.”

--Pathwork Lecture 208

Discover the Path

Do you feel the longing for a life more fully lived? Can you imagine meeting life authentically, without pretense, defense, shame, or fear?  Would you like to experience more love, pleasure, joy, and serenity? It’s not only possible, it’s who you most truly are! Take the first step today….

My Journey

Your life, however it may look today, carries within it the seeds of everything you would like it to be. When you learn to translate the messages your current experience is attempting to convey to you, you will have entered the gateway to a whole new world, a world of infinite possibilities…

Let's Walk Together

Pursue your spiritual journey with others, and watch the effectiveness of your work expand exponentially! Whether you prefer to work with me individually or in a group setting, the issues that arise while in relationship often mirror the issues that need clarification in our daily lives…

The Pathwork Story

The Pathwork® has evolved into a worldwide spiritual organization, with chapters in many countries. When you join a Pathwork group or begin individual sessions, you are joining an international spiritual community of souls dedicated to healing and awakening all beings. 

Ready to explore? Try my new Self-Study Courses!


Join the Conversation…

Everything You Need Is Already Inside

It’s almost time for the seasons to change. Life is always changing, but there are certain periods when that change seems more apparent, as if moving at a quicker pace. As always, nature has much to teach us about the trustworthy nature of the process of transformation. All we have to do is trust the process, and participate in the miracle.

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Politics as Spiritual Practice

This presidential election has been a very interesting time. Not necessarily in a positive way, but it definitely has not been a ho-hum, run of the mill election. And yet crisis always has the opportunity for growth. I have learned that politics in general, and an election year in particular, is a great opportunity to practice how well I “walk the talk” in my desire to live from a unitive perspective.

Politics as Spiritual Practice. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton as my spiritual teachers. Who’d have guessed?

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Is Boredom a Boring Blog Post?

Summer brings back memories of childhood — times when the days were long and warm, the pace slower, and the world simpler. The structure and responsibility of school, homework, and extracurricular activities was temporarily replaced by the joy of chasing fireflies barefoot in the backyard, soaking in the sun at the neighborhood lake, and lying mesmerized on a blanket, counting shooting stars at midnight.

No, I didn’t have a picture perfect childhood by any means, but in those moments, regardless of family dynamics, I was in tune with the life force and I could feel my connection with everything. It was magic.

Periodically though, amidst the magnificence that is a childhood summer, something happened.

I got bored.

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TREASURE IN THE DEPTHS: Identifying Hidden Obstacles to Fulfillment.  

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