“You are a great deal more than you can possibly believe now. If you walk in the direction of finding your real self ...you must discover the unending beauty of the universe.”
--Pathwork Lecture 208
Discover the Path
Do you feel the longing for a life more fully lived? Can you imagine meeting life authentically, without pretense, defense, shame, or fear? Would you like to experience more love, pleasure, joy, and serenity? It’s not only possible, it’s who you most truly are! Take the first step today….

My Journey
Your life, however it may look today, carries within it the seeds of everything you would like it to be. When you learn to translate the messages your current experience is attempting to convey to you, you will have entered the gateway to a whole new world, a world of infinite possibilities…

Let's Walk Together
Pursue your spiritual journey with others, and watch the effectiveness of your work expand exponentially! Whether you prefer to work with me individually or in a group setting, the issues that arise while in relationship often mirror the issues that need clarification in our daily lives…

The Pathwork Story
The Pathwork® has evolved into a worldwide spiritual organization, with chapters in many countries. When you join a Pathwork group or begin individual sessions, you are joining an international spiritual community of souls dedicated to healing and awakening all beings.
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Changing Seasons on The Medicine Wheel of Life
We are each walking on the Medicine Wheel of Life, letting go of one season in order to embrace the next, until we circle around to the beginning and start again. And yet it is important to note that this Medicine Wheel is more accurately experienced as a spiral, because if we keep circling on the same level we are not growing, we are merely spinning in circles.
read moreThrough The Gateway of Hopelessness
The Guide says that if we are in hopelessness we are not in truth. Hopelessness is a defense against feeling our negative intention to separate, to hold back, to say no to all of life.
read moreAre You Sure, Sweetheart, That You Want to be Well?
"Are you sure, sweetheart, that you want to be well? ... Just so's you're sure, sweetheart, and ready to be healed, cause wholeness is no trifling matter. A lot of weight when you're well." ~ Toni Cade Bambara, The Salt Eaters I am reading a book on the...
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