Join Me for this Free Event Wednesday, March 6th!
Time: 7:00pm – 8:30pm
Event: Opening to Your Inner Wisdom
Location: Unitarian Universalist Community Church of Glen Allen / 11105 Cauthorne Rd Glen Allen, Va. 23059
Deep inside everyone of us lies a wellspring of wisdom, insight, guidance, and love.
Join Beth Hedquist and Karen Montgomery for an evening of opening to our inner resources through an experiential modality called Sandtray. Sandtray invites insight and guidance to emerge from deep within, and facilitates the psyche’s natural capacity for healing through engaging with miniature objects in a tray containing sand.
Isn’t it time to listen to what is calling you?
Bring a journal and wear comfortable clothes that allow movement. This is a free event but registration is required by March 3rd.
To register contact Beth at:
A Sampling of Recent Events
Register today for this Free Online Presentation Dec. 15th
Time: 10:00am – 11:30am Eastern Standard Time
Event: Connect With Your Deepest Longing
Location: Online / Link to Zoom call sent with registration
“Every human being senses an inner longing that goes deeper than the longings for emotional and creative fulfillment. This longing comes from sensing that another, more fulfilling state of consciousness and a larger capacity to experience life must exist.” Pathwork Lecture 204
The Pathwork offers clear tools and practices that help you connect with your heart’s longing and find the courage to express and manifest it in your life.
The world is waiting. Isn’t it time to trust what is calling you from inside?
Join Cindy Haney and Beth Hedquist for a free online presentation that will help facilitate your next step in answering the call of your Real Self.
New Pathwork Group Forming this January! You Won’t Want to Miss this One!
Title: Let it Begin With Me: Igniting the Flame, Spreading the Fire of Transformation
Online Classes,7-9pm: Jan. 8, Jan. 22, Feb. 12, Feb. 26 Weekend Retreats at Sevenoaks: Feb. 2-3, Mar.16-17
In a world where so many are disconnected from their Divine Nature, chaos and cruelty abound. It can feel overwhelming to know how to respond.
- How can I possibly make a difference?
- What are my unique gifts and how can they help bring healing for myself and others?
- Do I have to give up personal fulfillment to serve a larger calling?
The Pathwork teaches us that true change and fulfillment lies not in fixing ourselves but in claiming the truth of who we are in each moment, and in discovering and anchoring in the beauty of the Real Self. From this place, we experience the real meaning of healing and can bring that to the world.
Join Cindy Haney and myself as we embark on this journey to re-claim the joy of living from the Real Self. Within a supportive, sacred container we will explore Pathwork teachings and use meditation, ritual, experiential exercises and emotional process work.
Let’s light a fire of transformation that will spread like wildfire!
This group format will consist of four online classes interspersed with two weekend retreats at the beautiful Sevenoaks Retreat Center. Give yourself and the world this gift of transformation. Register today to take advantage of the early-bird discount!
Early Bird Registration by Dec. 28th: $595 / After that: $645
Discount for Intl Pathwork Foundation members: $550
Navigate YOUR Spiritual Journey with G.P.S. – Growing Through Pathwork Studies
A New, FREE, Online Pathwork Lecture Study Series offered by the Mid-Atlantic Pathwork on the 2nd and 4th Monday of the Month
January 14th and 28th: What Is the Path?
Both Dates Facilitated by Beth Hedquist
Time: 8:00pm -9:30pm EST
Location: Online – Zoom link sent with Registration
I’m excited to announce that the Mid-Atlantic Pathwork is launching a new, FREE, online Pathwork Lecture Study series for 2019! We will explore a different lecture topic each month, meeting on the second and fourth Monday and led by a different Helper each month.
We are calling this new program Growing Through Pathwork Studies,or G.P.S. Who couldn’t use a little direction to more effectively navigate the spiritual journey? With this online format, you’ll be supported by a whole group of kindred spirits! Thanks to the advent of technology, you will be able to come together with Pathworkers from all over without leaving the comfort of your home.
I’m facilitating the January meetings, and we’ll be working with Pathwork Lecture 204: What is the Path?on both dates, but you sign up for each one individually. It will be a great introduction and overview of the Pathwork for those who are new, while offering valuable insights and opportunities for sharing for those who have been studying the teachings for awhile now. I recommend that you read the Lecture ahead of time, but it isn’t required.
Plan to start your New Year by investing in your Soul’s Journey! You deserve it and the world needs you!
Sunday, Oct. 21st, 2018 Free Event!
Time: 5:00pm – 7:30pm
Event: Hope for the Weary
Location: 5028 Park Commons Loop, Glen Allen, Va.
- Are you a healer? A change agent? A spiritual activist?
- Are you just a concerned citizen of this planet we all love?
- Has the suffering, cruelty, and injustice left you feeling disillusioned or weary?
You are most definitely not alone! And there is hope. The Pathwork teachings offer us a way to work with our misconceptions, negative attitudes, and feelings of despair and weariness that can re-connect us with the strength, hope, faith, and love that is the deepest truth of who we are.
Join me for this month’s “A Taste of Pathwork” Potluck Dinner Presentation. We will be exploring Pathwork Lecture 4: World Weariness.No prior experience with Pathwork is necessary, and you are not required to read the Lecture ahead of time, but you will get more out of the evening if you do.
Following the presentation we will share a potluck dinner and get to know each other a little better, so while this is a free event, please bring a dish if you will be staying for the meal.
Sunday, July 29th, 2018 Free Event!
Time: 5:00pm – 7:30pm
Event: Serve Me Up a Slice of Grace, Please!
Location: 5028 Park Commons Loop, Glen Allen, Va.
In these challenging, divisive times, when everywhere we turn there is cruelty, hatred, and conflict, we need to stop periodically and anchor in the grace that is all around us. It’s not a gift for the privileged, or a dispensation for the chosen. Grace permeates everything that is, and awaits us in every moment. We need only be willing to receive.
Join Beth Hedquist for this month’s “A Taste of Pathwork” potluck dinner presentation, where we will make space to open to the sacred and the grace that is available to us at all times. We will also explore what prevents us from experiencing this truth.
We will be working with Pathwork Lecture 250: Inner Awareness of Grace. No previous experience with Pathwork is necessary, and it is not required that you read the Lecture ahead of time but you will get more out of the evening if you do.
After the presentation we will share a potluck meal. There is no charge for this event but if you will be staying for dinner please bring a dish to share.
Sunday, May 6th, 2018 Free Event!
Time: 5:00pm – 7:30pm
Event: All Fear Is Fear of the Self
Location: 5028 Park Commons Loop, Glen Allen, Va.
What is the story you tell yourself that justifies closing your heart?
What are you afraid of?
- Rejection?
- Abandonment?
- Humiliation?
- Being Controlled, Manipulated, or Used?
When you close your heart to prevent possible injury, you also close your heart to potential love and joy. And you can often miss the deeper meaning and key to the resolution of this fear, which lies within you rather than in someone or something else.
Join Beth Hedquist as we explore what the Pathwork can teach us about Fear, and how we can summon the courage to meet life – however it shows up – with love that knows boundaries, joy that is fearless, and a willingness to engage life with abundant vitality.
We will be working with Pathwork Lecture 155: Fear of Self. You aren’t required to read the Lecture ahead of time, but you will get more out of the evening if you do. We will follow the presentation with a potluck dinner, so if you are staying for the meal please bring a dish to share.
Sunday, Apr. 8th, 2018 Free Event!
Time: 5:00pm – 7:30pm
Event: Love: It’s Who You Are, Not What You Do
Location: 5028 Park Commons Loop, Glen Allen, Va.
The Pathwork Guide describes Love as a “spontaneous soul movement,” rather than an emotion or an action. When everything that stands in the way is cleared, Love is the unobstructed truth of who we are, and it naturally flows outward.
So what gets in the way? And what is the difference between real and unreal Love? Healthy and unhealthy anger? Where does fear and all of our other emotions fit in?
Join Beth Hedquist as we explore the Pathwork teachings that guide us through the maze of distortion and illusion to the depths of our true nature. We’ll be working with Lecture 133: Love: Not a Commandment, But Spontaneous Soul Movement of the Inner Self. Reading the Lecture ahead of time is not required, but you will get more out of the evening if you do.
Afterwards we’ll share a potluck dinner and continue the conversation. If you’ll be staying for the meal please bring a dish to share.
Sunday, Mar. 11th, 2018 Free Event!
Time: 5:00pm – 7:30pm
Event: Connect With Your Deepest Longing
Location: 5028 Park Commons Loop, Glen Allen, Va.
- What is your greatest longing on the spiritual journey?
- What does your heart dare to dream of?
- What is it that is calling you?
Often times we are thrust in to a spiritual journey because of a crisis, tragedy, or disharmonious circumstance in our lives. We are either in deep pain or deep emptiness. Walking a spiritual path can bring significant healing, comfort, and serenity. But is it possible there is something beyond contentment that is calling you? Do you feel drawn by something that cannot easily be put into words?
If so, you are not alone. Whatever your faith journey, and even if you don’t have an identified path at all, I invite you to gather with me to celebrate, share, and gain clarity around what is calling you to this unique spiritual adventure that your lifetime is.
We’ll explore what the Pathwork has to offer in realizing this longing. If you are new to Pathwork, this is a great introduction. If you have been studying the Pathwork for awhile, I challenge you to show up with beginners mind and discover what your cutting edge is today.
Realize your deepest longing. Answer the call of your heart!
Sunday, Jan. 21st, 2018 Free Event!
Time: 5:00pm – 7:30pm
Event: The Spiritual Significance of Relationship
Location: 5028 Park Commons Loop, Glen Allen
While most of us are familiar with the benefits of relationship — intimacy, companionship, support, etc. — we don’t always recognize the spiritual significance of our relationships, whether they are romantic, friendship, or business relationships.
Acknowledging and honoring the opportunities for spiritual growth that are available in all relationships can open up a new way for us to engage with one another. Join me as we explore Pathwork Lecture 180: The Spiritual Significance of Human Relationship. What better way to dive into this topic than together, in relationship?
The presentation will be followed by a potluck dinner, so if you are staying for the meal please bring a dish to share.
Join me for a three week Online Pathwork Course!
Date: Jan. 29th through Feb. 18th, 2018
Event: Saying “Yes” to Your “No:” Four Steps to Overcoming Negativity
Our thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and attitudes are multi-layered and multi-faceted. Often opposing motives and desires lay hidden in the unconscious. Without a thorough, intentional exploration of everything that lives in us, we may be contributing to the negative creation of our life experiences without realizing it.
This three week online course will be a deep exploration of Pathwork Lecture 176: Overcoming Negativity. You will receive three email teachings and we will come together for three video-conference calls.
Saturday, Feb. 10th, 2018 FREE Event!
Time: 5:30pm – 9:00pm
Event: Giving and Receiving: An Act of Love
Location: Mechanicsville, Va. Directions given with RSVP
The greatest gift we have to offer others is the gift of our undefended, authentic selves. When we relate to others with an open heart, we experience no separation between giving and receiving, and we see the beauty of our Divine Nature reflected in the other.
You are warmly invited to join Julia Jensen and myself for a mid-winter celebration of Love. Whatever your faith journey, let us come together in community to activate our intention to embody the Love and Light we are called to bring to this world.
We will begin with a potluck dinner, followed by a Pathwork program. Please wear comfortable clothes and shoes as part of the evening will be spent outside (weather permitting).
This is a free event; it is our gift to you in gratitude for all we have received from living the Pathwork principles. No prior experience with Pathwork is necessary.
Explore Pathwork at the Midwinter Pathwork Community Weekend
Date: Feb. 24th – Feb. 25th, 2018
Event: Expanding the Light: Becoming Agents of Transformation in the World
Location: Sevenoaks Retreat Center, Madison, Va.
The Pathwork shows us how to light a candle in the darkness. Do you hear the call? Stay tuned for details on the various offerings that will be available on one of the best values of the year to enjoy the beauty of the land at Sevenoaks while experiencing the power of the Pathwork teachings.
The Sacred Dimensions of the Pathwork workshop series
Date: Thursday, Jan. 11th – Sunday, Jan. 14th, 2018
Event: From Being Guided by Ego to Dancing in the Mystery
Location: Sevenoaks Retreat Center, Madison, Va.
I’m excited to announce that I have the honor of assisting Erena Bramos in this powerful workshop exploring the Sacred Dimensions of the Pathwork. I’d love to have you join us!
From Erena:
In this module we will be exploring the two distinct pulls that underlie most of our conscious experiences… the pull of the longing to be in oneness with the Divine on one hand, and the pull of the demands of being an embodied entity on the other.
Please join us as we come together to question how we can surrender to the unavoidable reality that these two forces will always coexist as long as we are alive, and how, honoring the wisdom of both, we can come out of the struggle of seeking perfection to live our lives in forgiveness of our humanness.
Contact me for more information about events. I hope to explore the Pathwork with you!

Sign up to hear from me and recieve my FREE workbook as a gift to get started!
TREASURE IN THE DEPTHS: Identifying Hidden Obstacles to Fulfillment.
are there any Pathwork groups in Maine or New Hampshire?
Merry Christmas
Mike there are programs in Vermont and Philadelphia, and a small group in Boston. I’m involved with the Mid-Atlantic Pathwork, which operates Sevenoaks Retreat Center in Madison Va., where they offer residential programs. I don’t know of any programs in Maine or New Hampshire, sorry. ~ Beth