by Beth Hedquist | Jan 31, 2017 | My Journey, Politics
If you follow me on Facebook or have spoken with me lately, you might have noticed I’ve become somewhat outspoken politically. And yet I have struggled with how and whether to express my views –or not– here on this blog. Will I alienate or...
by Beth Hedquist | Jan 16, 2017 | Duality, Relationships, Sevenoaks Retreats, Trust Your Heart
Recently I assisted Senior Pathwork Helper Jac Conaway in the Sacred Dimensions weekend at Sevenoaks Retreat Center. We examined our beliefs about reality, and how we take for granted what we think we know is true. A simple exercise of putting a plastic bag over our...
by Beth Hedquist | Dec 20, 2016 | New Beginnings
Don’t you hate those perfect Christmas letters, the ones enclosed in the perfect christmas card, bragging about their children’s accomplishments, awards, and extracurricular activities, the fabulous trips they have taken over the year, and all the wonderful things...
by Beth Hedquist | Dec 7, 2016 | Surrender, Trust Your Heart
As we draw closer to the longest night of the year, this precious time of preparing for and surrendering to what is waiting to be birthed, I have been reflecting on this question: What does it mean to be a light in the darkness? Often in the Pathwork we...
by Beth Hedquist | Nov 21, 2016 | Facing Your Fears, Grief, My Journey, Surrender, Trust Your Heart
The past couple of weeks have been a roller coaster of emotions. As I shared in my last blog, I began by fully feeling my grief…. grief for all those in fear and pain over the election results, for those who would potentially be hurt through new laws that...