by Beth Hedquist | Mar 16, 2016 | Facing Your Fears, Surrender
Early in my recovery from co-dependency, I remember someone suggesting I should shift the focus from taking care of others to taking care of myself. At the time, that seemed like an almost impossible order. What did I like to do? What did I need? What did I want? ...
by Beth | Feb 18, 2016 | Duality, Surrender, Trust Your Heart, Your Journey
At different points in my life I have bought into the idea that life could be the utopia I heard about in the storybooks. Certainly when I was younger I believed that it was possible to find Prince Charming, settle down with two kids, a dog, and a white picket...
by Beth | Dec 3, 2015 | Facing Your Fears, My Journey, Trust Your Heart, Your Journey
I heard it first as a voice, and a knock at my door. It kept saying, “Let me in! You know you’re not good enough. You’ll never be good enough! You might as well just quit trying to pretend that you can do more, be more, give more, and you’ll finally be enough. It...