by Beth Hedquist | Apr 11, 2017 | Aliveness, Manifesting Abundance, Surrender
Sometimes, Life is a little like a fishing trip. We find ourselves hungry for something we are missing that will fill us, we get a craving for that one meal that will finally silence the longing in our belly and leave us satisfied, content, and fulfilled. And...
by Beth Hedquist | Mar 29, 2017 | Gratitude, Grief, Manifesting Abundance
I recently went to see a woman speak on the Science of Happiness. She was an engaging, informative, entertaining speaker and I really enjoyed myself. I even patted myself on the back because I do so many of the things she recommended to be happy: Eat right Get...
by Beth Hedquist | Mar 15, 2017 | Duality, Facing Your Fears, Surrender
Deep personal and spiritual growth work requires that we be willing to venture beyond our comfort zone. When we wallow in our anger, fear, pride, denial or self-pity, it can be familiar and even oddly comforting. We may think we are safer this way, deeply...
by Beth Hedquist | Mar 1, 2017 | Aliveness, Manifesting Abundance, Sevenoaks Retreats
Hello my friends, While it is just the beginning of March, Spring feels like it’s right around the corner and I couldn’t be more ready to welcome in new Life! The Mid-Atlantic Pathwork Helper Community recently gathered for our quarterly retreat at Sevenoaks Retreat...
by Beth Hedquist | Feb 15, 2017 | Facing Your Fears, New Beginnings, Surrender, Uncategorized
While I believe the longing for connection to something greater than our limited selves is universal, and has always existed throughout the ages and across cultures, it appears we are at a time when we are collectively suffering from the walls we have built inside...